
Thursday 27 May 2021


W.A.L.T edit and recraft hour writing using the editing pencil 

For This Week We Stared On Writing It Is A About A Fox. You Can Use The Story Starter Or You Can Make Your Own And That Is What I Did Here Is The Story

I step out of my 1980 camper van and go on the trail for my night hike. It was 18.30 as I entered the forest I was hit? By a gust of fog I just got cold. The birds started to go into the trees, not chirping. The Wind starts blowing harder and harder. When I see it, it was beautiful. A majestic Fox trotting gracefully torwars me as the moonlight hits the Fox. It was reflecting the light off her into the great forest. The Fox started drawing on the mucky ground saying there after me they're after me the girl was a bit scared so she pulled up her camera and started filming the
Fox raised up levitating and took the camera and chucked it away. Fox expanded what was happening and she agreed. The fox herd rustling in the bush the fox immediately leeps into a bush and started to moan  
a poacher slowly walks towards them. What are you doing out here? *In a deep broody voice* O uhhh Just a morning uhh I mean night hike, said the girl, hm ok hey I have a question for you do you no about the fox
* shows the paper*  oh no I have never seen that 
*the girl said nervously*  HEY THERE IT IS GET IT said the poacher running towards it the fox jumps out and leaps through the air telling all the nearby animals to help. The girl distracted the poacher for the meantime so the fox told everyone, every animal came about and fighted back, it was a great war between animals and the greatest rivals.
It was a while but eventually poachers came to an end 
the fox thanked the girl for what she has done for all of us and all her friends, thank you said the fox.

What Did I Do Good On? I Did Well describing about our task
What improve on I could improve on? describing about ask more
What Did I Enjoy? describing about the task


  1. Hi Rusty
    I really liked your blog post and how you made it so that if someone is loud there is capital letters but when making your start dont put capital letter for every single sentence anyways I really loved your blog and cant wait for more.

  2. Hi Rusty
    I really liked your blog post and how you made it so that if someone is loud there is capital letters but when making your start dont put capital letter for every single sentence anyways I really loved your blog and cant wait for more
