
Thursday 27 May 2021


W.A.L.T edit and recraft hour writing using the editing pencil 

For This Week We Stared On Writing It Is A About A Fox. You Can Use The Story Starter Or You Can Make Your Own And That Is What I Did Here Is The Story

I step out of my 1980 camper van and go on the trail for my night hike. It was 18.30 as I entered the forest I was hit? By a gust of fog I just got cold. The birds started to go into the trees, not chirping. The Wind starts blowing harder and harder. When I see it, it was beautiful. A majestic Fox trotting gracefully torwars me as the moonlight hits the Fox. It was reflecting the light off her into the great forest. The Fox started drawing on the mucky ground saying there after me they're after me the girl was a bit scared so she pulled up her camera and started filming the
Fox raised up levitating and took the camera and chucked it away. Fox expanded what was happening and she agreed. The fox herd rustling in the bush the fox immediately leeps into a bush and started to moan  
a poacher slowly walks towards them. What are you doing out here? *In a deep broody voice* O uhhh Just a morning uhh I mean night hike, said the girl, hm ok hey I have a question for you do you no about the fox
* shows the paper*  oh no I have never seen that 
*the girl said nervously*  HEY THERE IT IS GET IT said the poacher running towards it the fox jumps out and leaps through the air telling all the nearby animals to help. The girl distracted the poacher for the meantime so the fox told everyone, every animal came about and fighted back, it was a great war between animals and the greatest rivals.
It was a while but eventually poachers came to an end 
the fox thanked the girl for what she has done for all of us and all her friends, thank you said the fox.

What Did I Do Good On? I Did Well describing about our task
What improve on I could improve on? describing about ask more
What Did I Enjoy? describing about the task

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Math Strategies

W.A.L.T working Edition Problems With Tidy Numbers  

Today We Learnt Tidy Numbers We Sat Around A Table And Our Teacher                        Gave Us Some Math Problems So We Had To Solve Them Using Math                      Strategies One Of Them Is Tidy Numbers

What Did I Enjoy? Describing And Telling About How And What We Did
What Did I Do Well? Describing About Task
What Could I Improve on? Describing About It More And Explaining How We Did It

Monday 24 May 2021

What Is Special To You

W.A.L.T Something Special To You

We Had To Make What Is Special To You And Describe About It On Your Blog Posts So This Is What I Am Doing For Now.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   I Chose Farming Because I've Been Farming For All My Life Now And Since I Was 1 To 11 Our Farm Is 700 Ackers Wich Is Alot Well To Me. I Find It Fun Because You Get To See You All The Cute Calf Faces And Cows. It's Good For Motorbike Riding Because It's So Much Land And You Get To Go Really Fast.


What Did I Enjoy Describing About The Farm

What Could I Improve On Describing About The Thing That I Love More

Thursday 13 May 2021

About Me!

W.A.L.T Understand the difference between private and public information                   
This week for Cyber smart we had to learn about online footprints which is where anything you do on the internet is traced and how you should not share private information so we made a description about ourselves to share public information about my self.

what could I improve on? Adding More description about yourself and adding a little bit more to my blog post                                                                                                            what did I do well? What I think i did well is describing about myself and what i am good at                                                                                                                              what did I enjoy? explaining about myself and adding my photo                                      the next thing i would like to learn about is? Coding on Minecraft

Question? have you made description about yourself

Wednesday 12 May 2021

Convert Fractions Decimals And Percentages

W.A.l.T learning to convert decimals into fractions

For this math week We Had to convert decimals into fractions
and lots more

What Did I Enjoy? I like making the Slide Show and adding a little secret to it
What Did I do Well On? making so they can understand it a little better
What Could I Improve On? adding a little bit more to the slide

Tuesday 11 May 2021

Tidal Energy

 This week we have been learning about tidal energy or our first task we had to do a lot of things like what are the benefits of hydro power, record five facts you learnt from that text ect.

what did I enjoy? Making The Video.
what did I do well? Describing A Year 3 Level.
what could I improve on? Adding A Little Dit More To Slide.

 Question? What Do You Prefer Hydro Power Or Tidal Energy

Friday 7 May 2021

The Boring Boy

 W.A.L.T To use A Story Starter To Start Off Our Story                                                          For This Writing Week we Had To Use A Story Starter To Start Off Our Story About A Boring Boy

so he made a time capsule to show people how boring his very very boring life was. He Filled it up with very very boring stuff as usual can you grab the shovel and started digging for a very boring time but ''What is That'' Said the boy excitedly he tripped and fell into a dark dungeon ''What the'' the boy said...

The room got cold the lights started to Flicking. then everything stopped... a whale was singing it was so peaceful until a large light came growing and growing the boy walk through it and you didn't to a balcony to see the sea there was...

Two Wales swimming fast playing and having fun just reminded him about his family they never knew how to have fun so he went home and showed his family again and it was successful. Happy Every After

Cyber Smart

W.A.L.T About Online Foot Prints                                                                                              For This Week of Cyber Smart We Were Learning About Online Foot Prints And Our Task Was to Make a Safe Online Description About Yourself.

What I Did Well? Describing About Myself
What Did I Enjoy? Making My Photo
What Could I Improve on? Describing About Myself a Little More


What Do U Enjoy

Wednesday 5 May 2021

What Hydroelectric Power Means??

What Hydroelectric Power Means?? 

For Our Create Reading Task We had to Make A Screen Cast A Fie And describe about what hydroelectric power means and here is the video! 

What I Did Well? Describing About The Task
What Did I Enjoy? Making The Sideshow
What Could I In prove On? Making The Sideshow A Little Bit Longer

Tuesday 4 May 2021

Fractions Quiz

 W.A.L.T Show People How To Do Fractions

What did I do Well With? Making it Simple And Fast to Do And they Will learn it                                What Did I Enjoyed? I enjoyed Making it quit Simple                                                                                What Could I Improve On? Making it longer And Adding more to the questions

Question What is Your Favourite Math Problem?