
Tuesday 2 November 2021

      Trapped In A Video Game

‘’Hey Oscar you have been all on that pc game thingy so get of Now and go ride your bike Now.’’ Said Oscars Mum. ‘’Fine.’’ Said Oscar. ‘’I am going to hide it for the week that will teach him, geez this is heavy OW! What the huh my HAND AHHHHH’’ Said Oscars Mum. Oscars mum got trapped in the game called terraria a very hard and weird game. 

‘’Well come to terraria'’ Said the narrator. ‘’What the well back in my day I am alright at these games but this looks 2d wow this is a weird game alright AH who are you can you talk?’’ Said Mum ‘’I am a npc I can help you craft Items and get started into the game’’ Said the npc.

It was getting late and Mum was still chatting about all the games that she had played and all the npc said was I am a npc I can help you craft Items and get started into the game but soon she realised that she is in a real game. 

’Wait I just got hurt my Health in down what the and it did hurt it felt like a needle wait I am not dreaming I am in a game wait I can see our house o no’’ 

It was starting to get to night now mobs will spawn, zombies rushed, threw the grass like wind, slimes jumped sticking to trees and eyes massive eyes that flew into the sky opening their mouths and chopping and throwing anything. ‘’AHHH A ZOMBIE HELP cody is that really your name has what a weird name but HELP’’ Said mum.

The npc pointed to a house that had doors and no zombie slime or eye can get in she got in safle but she can see the dusking faces of the zombies that are trying to break in. ‘’Wow a chest lets see what in it?’’

Mum I am home can I go back on it? Were is she welp I am just going to play some more terraria. Oscar heads up the stares ands see’s the charter moving and talking huh? What is that my charter in MOVING gost mabey na hahahah lets see. Oscar get closer and closer step by step and heares in mums voice in the game. ‘’OSCAR HELP I AM STUCK IN A HOUSE WITH ZOMIBES’’ Said Mum

‘’Is that really you? Or is this like a update’’ Said Oscar ‘’YES ITS ME JUST DO SOMTHINK’’ Said Mum. Oscar tried to move the the person in the game but it did not work only the person the was in the game can move. ‘’Mum! It’s Not Working!’’ Said Oscar. ‘’TRY SOMTHINK THERE GETTING IN’’ Said Mum. 

So Oscar try help his Mum he told him to pull or her copper sord. ‘’Stab them Now!’’ Said Oscar. She slade all of the zombies as ominous played in the back round this is going to be a bad night…

To be continued...

What Did I Do Good On? I Did Well describing about our task

What improve on I could improve on? describing the character more

What Did I Enjoy? describing about the task


  1. Good job Rusty I relly liked your story
    I would recommend if you allied your story better
    So I could read it better good job

  2. Amazing Rusty,
    I really like your story it sounds just like you next time maybe you could add a bit more punctuation and make sure the writing does not go out of the page but other than that it's really good.
