
Monday 30 August 2021

The Runt

For Today's Task We Had To Create Something And Write About It  So I Got My Calf Drawing And Write About it                                  

                                         The Runt 

This is a story about a calf that wanted to be free to the sun set and rise to see the water glimmer and sparkle let’s get into it. There once was a calf he 

was the runt of the herd and would conseltey be kicked and getting hurt but he had nothing else that nother calf had a dream to get outside and go to the real world! ‘’Hurry Up Cow’s Move it!’’ Said Billy ‘’Is it that 

Guy again, is he ever going to go away?’’ Said the Runt Calf ‘’Go away little runt no one cares about your opinion!’’ Said another Calf.

‘’Hey where are all the Cow’s going?’’ Said the Runt Calf ‘’Do you think I no’’ Said the Calf

It looks like it is time for o no butchering this is bad no one can do anything about this 

no sorry sir, do I have to read this yes OK then. The Cow’s got on a tuck and left to never be seen again now old Billy only has these little calfs. But the little Runt got up and jumped his gate and got out of his pen.

But he still has to go and get out of this dirty old shed. The Runt Jumped off the first gate then the second one and the third one and he got out! ‘’Wow look at me in the grass, it is so green wow I love it here’’ Said the runt.

So after all that he made his dream come true and he lived happily ever after

By Rusty, We had to make something and write about it so here is my drawing of a calf 

What Did I Do Good On? I Did Well describing about our task

What improve on I could improve on? describing the character more

What Did I Enjoy? describing about the task

Friday 27 August 2021


 For this weeks lock down task we had to write about a bird in                                   a tiny little cage and it had to be up to year  4-5 standards. And here is my story

Mist Bird

They just don't get it, they just dont no how I feel I am human right am I?  I don't even know at this point, all I do is sit in a cage. It is very boring, compact, a bit scary and dark as well I I… oh what is that a light *creek* thump thump thump a large figure came and uh I don't want to say it never mind let's just go further ahead in the story yeah haha uh anyways so this little happy bird was living his life as *flashbacks* no NO NO! O yeah the story right so he was a fine bird… *flashbacks* NO LEVEL HIM ALONE!

Where is that bird I want him back please no where are you please come back. After 3 hours of flashbacks and trying to find his dead parrot he went back inside and what was inside that little shack was a fade of mist a little yelp a squik a cherp? Is that you my bird the mist is gone the guy chased after it and ran but it came to a end and was blocked by

A forest of pine trees but he refused to not stop until I knew the truth after that my brother was never seen again. I dont no where he is but that was in the past.

What Did I Do Good On? I Did Well describing about our task

What improve on I could improve on? describing the character more

What Did I Enjoy? describing about the task

Tuesday 3 August 2021

My Possible Actions!

My Possible Actions!

For today's task we had to make a blog post about My Possible Actions! To help save the world. So since I live on a farm I can reduce the amount of motorbike use. I can convince people to use honey rapes instead of using plastic.

Grow things like trees, and plants ect. releasing the smaller fish and releasing the female adult fish wait until electric vehicles are getting cheaper than purchase one instead of having diesel and petrol cars. You can use more public transport and may be used bikes to get fit as well 

What Did I Do Good On? I Did Well describing about our task

What improve on I could improve on? describing the character more

What Did I Enjoy? describing about the task