
Wednesday 16 September 2020

Kiwi Can.

 W.A.L.T up load our learning to our blog.

At Kiwi Can we learned about what accountability is an how to show it. Accountability means be honest and responsible. Then we did three games, our catchphrase and a GK Q at the end.

The first thing that we did at Kiwi Can was a game and it was called BANG. So how the game works is if the leaders call out a person like BEN then Ben will duck down and the people that are next to Ben will say bang. The one that said bang first will be up and the person that said bang second will be down.

The second game was colour run. So how this game works is the leader will call out a colour like white then you will have to run and touch the wall within 3 seconds since the wall is white.        

And the third game was called traffic light. How this game works is there would be a person way down at the end of the hall and if they say green you run they say yellow/orange you walk and if they say red you stop.

The catchphrase was we are honest we are true we take ownership for what we do.                              


What I found fun was? Learning some new Maori words.
What I found challenging was? learning the Maori words because it quite tricky.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rusty, I am Ethan from Waikowhai Primary sSchool. I really like reading your post because I get to learn new things like the games you played and accountability which means honest and responsible. Maybe next time you should check your writing or check it with the teacher because I found some errors, and I also have 2 questions to ask. How often do you do Kiwi can and what was your favorite game in Kiwi can?. Check out my blog it's blog ya later!
